First time Author Marc Linke emerges with The Professor And The Haunted Musuem, a matinee style adventure packed with enjoyment and mystery. The storyline arches around Professor Wilson who is trying to raise interest for the Town’s museum by holding a costume themed fund-raiser. There have been rumours that the town’s realtor, Mrs Vera Finkelstein, plans to buy the museum and turn it into a hotel resort.
A sequence of ghostly events occur in and around the museum which end up creating media mayhem and intrigue to the residents of the once quiet sleepy town. In the midst of it all, perpetrators are trying to steal valuable paintings from the museum, hidden away by a previous curator.
“I always loved the world of ghosts and mysteries and found the museum to be an exciting place for an adventure.” says Marc Linke. "“I always wanted to write a story full of mystery, suspense and ghosts. After about 50 pages, I found myself deeply engaged in world of new characters and story lines that took the initial story into a whole new direction. A couple of hundred pages later, I have arrived at what is now The Professor And The Haunted Museum
The creative process began during childhood. Marc Linke drew initial inspiration for The Professor And The Haunted Museum from a story he made up after an excursion at a museum while in primary school. 30 years later, telling the story to his niece, Marc decided to write the story for all to enjoy.
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