A writer of crime stories. Where do you get your ideas from?
What inspires you to write?
CS: I've always been a writer of sorts, whether it was writing diaries, short stories, or articles to sell to magazines, I have enjoyed the process. It's also a way of emptying the mind - controlling my sometimes riotous imagination. Odd things will trigger an idea - for instance in my second book, And the Devil Laughed - the trigger was a name. I heard the name Hannah mentioned somewhere, and my immediate reaction was to think, 'Hannah, that's who I'm going to write about.' Then, once started, the questions filled my mind, who was Hannah, where did she come from, what did she do, what happened to her and so on and I was up and running with Hannah guiding me all the way. I love it when that happens.
CS: I've always been a writer of sorts, whether it was writing diaries, short stories, or articles to sell to magazines, I have enjoyed the process. It's also a way of emptying the mind - controlling my sometimes riotous imagination. Odd things will trigger an idea - for instance in my second book, And the Devil Laughed - the trigger was a name. I heard the name Hannah mentioned somewhere, and my immediate reaction was to think, 'Hannah, that's who I'm going to write about.' Then, once started, the questions filled my mind, who was Hannah, where did she come from, what did she do, what happened to her and so on and I was up and running with Hannah guiding me all the way. I love it when that happens.
It's not easy for one to get their books published and as Independent authors, one must be their own agent and do their own marketing etc.. What are your thoughts on this?

What makes an author? Can anybody become a writer?
CS: Anyone can become a writer, but whether or not they make a good author is a different question. What makes an author? I think it's something in-built. A good author has to have a story, or a subject worth telling, and must have the ability to put the right words on paper in an interesting manner, well enough to hold a reader's attention. When people say of my books, 'I couldn't put it down,' I am very happy, they have paid this writer a great compliment. I am definitely not a sales-person, but find when I do sell one of my books to a friend or acquaintance, they invariably come back for another one.
What guidance can you give to people wanting to start a career in writing?

Here are a couple of websites to assist writers of all levels.
I have read the Ferryman and have to say It was a joy to read. It is a shame that Independent authors can not get the recognition they deserve. There is wonderful talent out there. Keep up the good work.
Thank you Carl for interviewing me. You have a fantastic site here, full of colour and drama.Terrific pics.
Nice interview, Carole. Solid advice for all, particularly the emphasis on persistence and patience.