Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ruins 750 BC

Ruins 800 years older than Pompeii.

Vilars, Arbeca, Spain - Ruins dating back to 750 BC.

The astonishing fact about the Iberian tribe is the way they led their life and the daily rituals they conducted each day. As most of us know, the word Pagan is used for a person who follows a belief from the village, and it is not necessarily a religion. 

This pagan tribe used to have a fire lit on a daily basis no matter what type of weather controlled the environment. They looked upon this fire, and water, not only as powerful elements, but also respected and treated them like deities.

A small table would sit near the fire, and on top of the handmade wooden structure were ritual items used to conduct their rites. The items consisted of a cup, knife, and a plate of earth. Unwanted items were tossed into the fire - in a form of thanks - and with the knife they would close the ritual and sprinkle water into the fire to unite the 2 elements.

Off course, Christianity was not known back then, and the belief of a form of religion was never something that entered one’s mind. To people, the mysteries of life remained in the power of the universe. The moon also played a part in their daily following, and the changes in its pattern from new to full moon was a magical sight. They made Holy water by leaving a jar of water outside on a full moon throughout the night. It would then be collected in the morning and used for special purposes.

The tribe lived in ranks, the higher the rank the larger the house and the bigger the altar. Each believed in their "faith", though there is uncertainty if a high priest or a person in a religious position existed within the tribe.

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